About Us

Corporate Nutrition Services with a Difference!

Hello! Welcome to The Healthy Eating Hub.

We promote sustainable, inclusive, realistic, practical and evidence-based nutrition for businesses and workplaces big and small!

Food and nutrition should be accessible and achievable for everyone.

Our food philosophy is sustainable, sensible, inclusive, non-judgemental and delivered by university qualified nutrition professionals.

We focus on practical, ‘do now’ advice that people can put into practice straight away!

The Healthy Eating Hub is in it’s third evolution…

Founded by Registered Nutritionist, Kate Freeman, The Healthy Eating Hub started out as a small nutrition and dietetics clinic and grew to become Canberra’s largest dietetic team now trading as The Healthy Eating Clinic.

The Healthy Eating Hub then became an online habit building program that helps people eat well for the rest of their life, one habit at a time. This program is now called Ayla Health and delivers long term habit building through a mobile app that combines micro-learning with meal planning to help you eat well, stay organised and maximise your health long term.

Now The Healthy Eating Hub offers quality corporate nutrition services to help your team or clients thrive with healthy eating.

Health-first nutrition

We deliver health first nutrition and promote dietary patterns that contain a wide variety of whole, minimally processed foods. We don’t exclude any food groups and make a point of showing you how processed foods fit into a healthy eating pattern long term.

We don’t promote or endorse restrictive eating patterns or diets that promote quick weight loss. We want people in all sizes of bodies, from all backgrounds to find something for them that they can put into practice in their day to day life.

We exist to set people free from food stress and teach them how to eat well for the rest of their life.